New Brunswick, NJ — A Rutgers University professor who is also in charge of the emergency department at Newark University Hospital has warned people not to take ivermectin to treat COVID-19.
Ivermectin is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for removing parasites in and out of humans and animals. In humans, it has been taken orally to remove intestinal parasites, and topically used to treat diseases such as head lice and scabies. In veterinary medicine, it has been used to deworm livestock.
However, it has not been authorized or approved by the FDA to treat the coronavirus.
But for several months, Ivermectin has been used by some people as an off-label experimental treatment. US Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham touted its success in fighting COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been tracking ivermectin orders, and as of the week of August 13, more than 88,000 prescriptions have been issued nationwide.
In comparison, there were only 3,900 ivermectin prescriptions nationwide in the average week before the pandemic.
Dr. Lewis Nelson, head of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Rutgers University School of Medicine, head of the emergency department at the University Hospital, and Rutgers University professor Dr. Lewis Nelson, like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, strongly opposes this.
"It is puzzling that someone would use ivermectin, an unproven and potentially dangerous substance, to treat a disease that can almost be prevented with a safe and validated vaccine approved by the FDA," Nelson said.
However, at the same time, the judge has ordered hospitals outside of Chicago and Rochester, New York to administer ivermectin to COVID patients who use ventilators and have a low chance of survival. Read one of the cases in the "Buffalo News": The second hospital in New York ordered experimental drugs to treat Covid-19 patients
A judge made a similar ruling in Ohio on August 30, after a woman sued for a local hospital to prescribe ivermectin to her husband, who is currently fighting for life on a ventilator. Read in Ohio Capital Magazine: Despite the CDC's warning, the judge ordered Cinci Hospital to use ivermectin to treat COVID-19 patients. You can read the woman's lawsuit here: /rfzt...
On August 26, the CDC issued a warning about ivermectin. In addition to tracking the surge in ivermectin prescriptions, the agency also said that it has been monitoring dangerous side effects and has noticed an increase in calls to the poison control center to report ivermectin overdose. Both the CDC and the FDA stated in late August that some of the side effects of self-treatment with ivermectin may be coma, seizures and death.
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published by the New York Times, from August to July, the number of calls to the Poison Control Center regarding ivermectin increased fivefold.
He said there have been no cases of ivermectin overdose in New Jersey. Most reports are in the south. In August, at least two people in Mississippi were hospitalized after taking a livestock formula of ivermectin.
Nelson said that people should be more afraid of the side effects of ivermectin than the side effects of the vaccine.
He said: "The concern about the rare and usually minor side effects of various COVID-19 vaccines cannot be compared with the development of the disease or the known side effects of various unproven treatments that have become widespread."
According to the National Institutes of Health and the CDC, there is currently insufficient data to recommend it as an official treatment for COVID-19.
The CDC stated that there have been some clinical trials and observational studies that have evaluated the use of ivermectin to prevent and treat human COVID-19, but they “have insufficient evidence to recommend the use of ivermectin for the NIH COVID-19 treatment guideline group”. Indicates that the experiment needs to be larger and more organized.
The agency stated: “Data from sufficiently large, well-designed, and well-executed clinical trials are needed to provide more specific and evidence-based guidance on the role of ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19.”
Nielsen also refuted the idea that the ivermectin test proposed by US Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was not conducted for political reasons.
"In view of the damage this disease has caused to the world, the idea that the entire medical institution will refuse to provide effective treatment is not supported by any reasonable evidence," he said.
According to the CDC, in the year before the pandemic, pharmacies nationwide distributed an average of 3,600 ivermectin prescriptions per week. By the week ending January 8, 2021, the number of prescriptions per week has soared to 39,000.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that as the number of prescriptions for ivermectin increased rapidly again, the number of prescriptions reached more than 88,000 in the week of August 13, so this number began to slowly decline, but then rose again in early July.
The number of ivermectins sent via mail order is not even included in this prescription tracking, so this number may be much higher.
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